Friday, September 28, 2012

To the Moon and Back

There is a children's book called Guess How Much I Love You?  Papa gave Autumn this book before she was born.  At the end of the book the Big Nut Brown Hare tells the Little Nut Brown Hare (who is already alseep) that he loves him "to the moon and back".

For nearly every holiday in Autumn's first year Papa gave her a Build a Bear toy with a recording of him saying "Happy fill in the blank holiday Autumn.  Papa loves you to the moon and back."  Papa also tells Autumn that he loves her "to the moon and back" nearly every time he sees her.

Here is the Easter Build a Bear from Papa
At first the build a bears just took up space in the toy box or in Autumn's room, but as she got old enough to understand that if you pressed their hand they talked she liked taking them out and playing with them. 

About a week ago we discovered that Autumn thinks that only Papa can love her "to the moon and back" or vice versa.  Here is a little video illustrating this.

I just thought this video was too adorable not to share.  We're working on reversing the damage the Build a Bear brain washing experiment has created.  As of right now Autumn knows that she loves Mommy and sometimes Dada, but just not "to the moon and back."  She only loves Papa "to the moon and back."

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