Thursday, March 13, 2014


So, it has been way too long since I have updated this blog.  A lot has happened in the past couple of months.   The biggest change lately is that I started a new job towards the beginning of February.  I really loved my job at Kelsey.  I worked with very sweet and caring people; had great work/life balance and I knew my job and did it well.  Something was missing though.  I wasn’t challenged.  I knew going into that position that I would at some point become bored, but I thought that was something I could live with and I probably would have lived with it for quite some time if a great opportunity had not come along.

In late November I got a call from a recruiter friend of mine.  She told me about a job as an Accounting Manager for a Fortune 20 Company here in Houston.  The role was within the healthcare industry and it looked like it would offer great work life balance and opportunity for growth.  This sounded like the perfect opportunity for me.  I spent a lot of time in prayer during my interview process and during the long period of waiting before I actually got my job offer.  I kept asking God to open the door wide open if this was the right job for me.  I wanted a clear answer, and I kept getting that clear answer over and over again.  In my first interview (a phone interview with my now current boss who is in Ohio) she mentioned work/life balance up front.  This was HUGE.  One of the first rules of interviewing is not to ask about work/life balance.  As a Mom this has always been so hard for me, because this is the most important thing I look for in a job.  The fact that my boss raved about the work/life balance gave me a lot of hope and excitement about this role.

I have been in my role for just over a month, which means I have gone through my first month end close, and I still love it.  I have A LOT to learn, but that is exciting to me.  I am now managing 8 people and enjoying stepping into that role of leading people.  I am trying to be intentional about caring for these people that I am blessed to work with.  I hope that I can be a blessing to them in how I interact with them and how I can teach them and help them grow in their roles.

The downside about the new job has been a MUCH longer commute.  Our whole schedule has been flipped upside down (this was a needed change that was a long time coming).  I used to roll into work between 9 and 9:15.  The girls would sleep until 7:30 or 8 and they’d get to school around 8:30.  Now I am into work before 8am every day.  I am actually shooting for 7:30am, but I seem to be averaging around 7:40 or 7:45.  This includes an almost hour commute, which means leaving the house between 6:30 and 7.  Andrew has gotten onto the same schedule, which seems to be working well.  He gets home earlier (before 10pm) now because he gets in so early.  The girls have adjusted well, although Autumn sleeps very deeply during naptime now and she is much grumpier in the mornings.  It is now very obvious when it is Olivia’s bedtime (around 7 or 7:30pm).  When she gets tired she gets super fussy.

Anyways, here is a photo update of the girls from about November to current.  There has been a lot that I haven’t documented on here that I’d like to.  I’m hoping I can get into a better habit of documenting our sweet little girls.

I just love this pic of Autumn with her hair all disheveled.

I had to keep this pic to remember wen Milo was actually smaller than Autumn.

I love how Milo was small enough to get stuck between the sectionals.

The first time I told Olivia "No."

Hay ride to see Christmas lights in Pecan Grove. I hope to make this a yearly tradition.

Baby O curled up with Tio on the cold hay ride.


This girl loves mani/pedis with Mama.

Delivering her letter to Santa at Nordstrom's.

Mommy and Autumn at the Nutcracker. Another holiday tradition started this year. Check out Lilly photo bombing us.

These two girls got so much attention at the theater for being too cute.

Cheesing it up.

First lunch at the American Girl bistro with "Ruby".

Drinking tea with Ruby.

Train ride with Ruby.

Helping Ruby make a funny face.

Autumn's turn for a funny face.

Silly Olivia playing with a naked Prince Eric.

Meeting Baby Levi.

Zoo Lights with Elijah.

Daddy and Autumn being silly.

2 Cinderellas?

Yep 2 Cinderellas.

Mommy learned how to French braid.

Happy plate

The selfie generation?

Houston Marathon 2014

Olivia reading in sisters bed.

Play do time!

Autumn ran into her friend Jack at the Town Square.

Princess Elsa on a snow day!

Big sister and little sister drinking out of each others cups.

Sleeping Beauty

In February we took family pics with Grandma Joy (a delayed Mothers Day present from last year).

Exhausted girl after a weekend at the bay with all the big kids.

Mommy and Autumn

Dentist appointment - all good!

"Don't even think about taking my popcorn away."

"Seriously it's mine!!"

"Okay I'll trade you the popcorn for a balloon toy and a face painting."

Paddle boating with Mommy and Grandpa at Grandpa's Company picnic.

Future rock climber!

Who's the biggest baby?