Friday, February 1, 2013

Working Mom

I stumbled across this article today while researching reasons why my 3 month old might have suddenly stooped sleeping through the night (I'll save that for another post).  This article was great!  I can completely relate to so much of it.  Especially the chilled wine in the fridge part.

I've been wanting to write a post for a while now about why I am an working mom.  This article just about sums it up.  The thing is I never EVER thought I would be a working mom, much less one who consciously chooses to be one (not out of financial necessity), but here I am and I am very HAPPY with my decision.  There are a few reasons that the author cites as to why a mom might work outside the home that particularly resonated with me.
  1. I value my education and the years I've devoted to my career.
  2. I think it is good for our [girls] to see me working outside our home so they know that a woman isn't confined to being a wife and a mother.
  3. I also know that some day our kids will be off at college or started on careers of their own and I want to keep a foot in the working world so when that time comes, I'm not staring at a big gap in my resume that makes it harder for me to get a job.
  4. I also like the equality that exists in my marriage because both my husband and I put money in the bank.
Anyways, just thought I would share this article today, since I enjoyed reading it.  I'll post next week on O's third month and why on earth she's not sleeping anymore (once we resolve this issue of course).  I also need to do an update on our big girl.  Man, is she growing up fast!

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