- Height and weight - No idea the specifics, but you sure are getting some chubby cheeks and some leg rolls. It's all good though. Babies should be a little plump. You're so much bigger than Autumn was that it seems a little weird to me, but I'm loving watching you grow.
- Clothes - You are starting to outgrow 0-3 months and probably by the end of this short month will be completely out of them. You are mainly getting too tall for them.
- Illnesses - You had RSV towards the beginning of this month. We took you to the doctor because Mimi said your cough was too bad. The doc thought you looked perfect, but went ahead and tested you for RSV. You tested positive and within a couple days your cough got worse and we had to start breathing treatments with a nebulizer. You handled the treatments like a champ and were over the worst of it within a few days. While you had RSV you did not sleep well, which Mommy and Daddy did not appreciate, but of course we couldn't be mad at the sad sick little baby. Autumn and Daddy also got the norovirus (stomach bug going around) this last month, but so far you and Mommy have stayed well.
- Family - We lost your great-grandpa "Pops" this month after a battle with melanoma. You would have loved Pops. He sure loved you and loved to hold you. He said you were so peaceful. He lost pretty much all of his hearing towards the end, but he could still hear you cry and he liked the sound of it.
- Developmental - You are sitting up well supported by the Bumbo or Mommy or Daddy. You like to look around a lot. You are smiling and laughing more every day. You also like to coo too. You usually smile or coo at me when I say "ooo" while I change your diaper. You love to look at your Daddy. You also love to watch your big sister. I can't wait till you are old enough to play with her.
- Eating - You still eat so well. You take 4-6 oz in a bottle 5-7 times a day and you feed for 7-15 minutes on each side when I nurse you. Your nursings have gotten a lot shorter this month as you are becoming a more efficient eater. We also stopped using the nipple shields while nursing this month. Those things are a life saver in the beginning though.
- Sleeping - This last week you decided to stop sleeping through the night. You were waking up 2, 3 and 4 times at night. I don't think you were waking up hungry. I think you just wanted to socialize. Last night you finally slept through the night again. Such a blessing to help me start off the week right. Hopefully you will continue to sleep through the night. I think you are going through a growth spurt now. Between the weird sleep schedule and then last night you had 2 bottles at one feeding. That is about 8-9 oz. and you hardly spit up any of it. Hungry hungry hippo! I bought you a breathable mesh bumper today and a sleep sack. I bought the breathable bumper because this morning your arm was hanging out of the crib. We haven't put on the original crib bumper because the nurse at the hospital told us the AAP recommends not using bumpers because of the risk of suffocation. Autumn never had any issues with her bumper, but better safe than sorry.
Olivia, you are such a sweet and happy baby. You have been a blessing to our lives and we are having so much fun watching you grow and develop.
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My favorite pic so far from your 3 month session. |
All of these pictures are so sweet! You have the most beautiful daughters! :)
Sweet girl! I still have not gotten to hold the precious girl!!