Monday, December 2, 2013

Autumn 3 Years and Olivia 1 Year

I'm trying not to completely neglect this blog, because I really do enjoy keeping this as a way to track the development of our girls. It's just a crazy season in life and I'd much rather be spending time playing with Autumn and Olivia than on my computer writing about them. 

Anyways, here is a quick update on where they are at 3 years and 1 year. 

Weight – 29 lbs (25th percentile) 
Height – 37.5 (50-75th percentile) 
BMI – 14.5 (10-25th percentile) 
Clothes – She is pretty much a 3T, but I’ve noticed that some 3T pants are actually getting short on her, but they’re still big in the waist. She is tall and slender, which I’m sure will work in her favor when she is older. 
Eating – Autumn loves sweets and carbs. She eats really well sometimes and then barely even picks at her food other times. I’d say she is a snacker. She eats so much at snack time that she doesn’t eat much at dinner. Some of her favorite foods include: fruit snacks, raisins, grapes, donuts, chicken nuggets (from Old MacDonald’s – although she thinks they’re all from there even though I think I can count on one hand the number of times she’s been there). 
Potty Training – Autumn is pretty much potty trained at this point. She still has accidents on occasion, but they are becoming fewer and farther in between. I placed my last (hopefully) order of pull ups this week. Once those are gone then we are going to try to go diaper free at bedtime. She wakes up dry almost every morning anyways. 
Sleeping – Autumn hates to go to bed or take a nap. She is a girl that is always on the go. We’ve found that setting a timer for playtime before bed usually works well. Lately though she has become afraid of the shadows in her bedroom at night and she is using that as an excuse to sleep in our bedroom when Andrew is not home. (If Andrew is home he’ll make her sleep in her bed). We usually try to put her down to bed between 8 and 8:30, but she usually doesn’t fall asleep until 9pm or later. She will come out of her room every few minutes and say “I forgot to tell you something.” I’ll ask her what she forgot to tell me and then she’ll say something cute like “I love you” or “I need to go potty (again)”. She’ll do anything to avoid bedtime. 
Personality – Autumn is a very spirited child. Andrew says that she is spirited for a girl, because he thinks most boys are wilder than she is. Autumn is opinionated and down right adorable. She is pushing all of her boundaries. The other night I was talking to her about needing to make better choices and needing to stop making bad choices. She looked at me and said “but I’m learning.” Too freakin’ cute! I get so frustrated with her at times, because she dawdles and pushed limits and doesn’t obey, but then she goes and does the sweetest and cutest things. She is a very sweet and kind little girl. She almost always says thank you and does so even when she isn’t prompted to do so. We’re still working with her on asking for things “nicely.” 
In short, Autumn is a sweet wild crazy and adorable little princess. 
The other day Autumn and I played 20 questions . I asked her what a lot of her favorite things were and I hope to do this once a year around her birthday to see how her answers change over the years. 

Autumn’s 20 Questions: 
1. What is your favorite color? Pink 
2. What is your favorite toy? Ariel that Aunt Alli bought at Disneyland 
3. What is your favorite fruit? Grapes 
4. What is your favorite TV show? Sofia the 1st 
5. What is your favorite movie? The Little Mermaid 
6. What is your favorite thing to wear? Ariel clothes 
7. What is your favorite animal? Giraffe 
8. What is your favorite song? Part of Your World from the Little Mermaid – “I wanna be where the people be” 
9. What is your favorite book? The Little Mermaid 
10. Who is your best friend? Alanna from school 
11. What is your favorite snack? Fruit snacks 
12. What is your favorite drink? Probiotic Yogurt Drink that Mommy drinks, also really liked Strawberry Kiwi Capri Sun 
13. What is your favorite breakfast? Yogurt 
14. What is your favorite lunch? Strawberries 
15. What is your favorite dinner? Macaroni and Cheese 
16. What is your favorite game? This game 
17. What is your favorite thing to play outside? Running and playing with Milo 
18. What is your favorite holiday? I don’t know 
19. What do you sleep with at night? Ariel pillow 
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Ariel 

Weight – 19.5 lbs (25th percentile) 
Height – 27.75 (10-25th percentile) 
Head – 44.5 (50th percentile) 
Clothes – She is mostly in 12-18 months, but some are big on her and she still wears 6-12 months in quite a few things. 
Eating – I have not come across ANYTHING that this girl will not eat. The other night at our Christmas get together for my Dad’s family, she even ate smoked salmon. She eats very well and she is officially drinking only from cups. Yea for no more bottles! 
Sleeping – Olivia is generally a great sleeper. Most nights I can put her down pretty easily by 8pm and she will sleep all night long, until around 7 or 8am. Occasionally she isn’t ready for bed and fights it. This is usually because she isn’t tired enough or she’s too tired. Either way I’ll let her cry it out for a little bit and then she’s out for the whole night. 
Personality – Olivia seems to have an easy going personality. She is very vocal and is becoming more and more so. She is generally very sweet and loves to smile and laugh. She is very clingy to me these days, but that is normal for this age. 
Developments – Olivia isn’t walking yet, but is very close. I’ve seen her take a few steps, but then she’ll drop to the ground and crawl. Right now that is more efficient. I think she will be walking by Christmas, but we’ll see. 

Overall we have been blessed with the two sweetest and most beautiful little girls I could ever imagine. Autumn and Olivia I love you both so much and I am so happy that I am your Mommy.


  1. So I'm guessing Autumn likes Ariel??? :)

    Yay for Olivia learning to use cups! Cannot wait for that day in this house!

    Both of your girls are precious!

  2. Thanks Birtttnie! Yes, Autumn is just a tad obsessed with Ariel. If you ask her about it she will start singing songs from the movie. Ha!
