Friday, May 17, 2013

6 Months and 2.5 years

Olivia is 6 months old (well, actually 6.5 months now).  I cannot believe how fast time is flying by.  Here's an update on my little princess:

  • Height - 25 inches (25th percentile)
  • Weight - 15 lbs 1 oz (25-50th percentile)
  • Head - I don't remember
  • Clothes - easily wears 6-9 months with some 3-6 months and 9-12 months mixed in.  I am able to find more matching clothes for her and Autumn if I buy 12 months, so I've been buying some of those, although they're a little big.
  • Sleeping - Olivia generally sleeps through the night every night, but lately we've been having to put her down in her rock n play sleeper rather than her crib.  She will turn herself onto her tummy while she's trying to go to sleep and then she gets so mad and fussy that I have to go in and calm her down.  After doing that about five times in a row I figured it was just easier to put her to sleep in her rock n play.  Some nights I try to put her down in her crib and she does fine.  Other nights we have to opt for the rock n play.
  • Eating - Olivia still eats very well, 3 meals a day plus 5-6 bottles/nursing sessions.  She doesn't seem to like green beans too much (who does?), but other than that she loves every food she has tried.  She has slowed down a bit in her demands for food, but she still eats very well.
  • Development - Olivia can easily roll from her back to front and occasionally rolls from front to back.  She dislikes tummy time less and less, but still gets mad about it sometimes.  She can sit very well on her own, but I always like to be within an arm's reach when she is sitting, because she can fall over fairly easily.  She reaches for toys more and more and she is very observant of the world around her.  This girl still loves to watch TV!  If there is a TV around she will find it and stare.  Olivia is also starting to mimic sounds that we make.  I've heard her make the "da" sound when she's mad and screaming and she likes to put her lips together and blow to make a farting type noise.  Very cute.
  • Happenings - Olivia started swim lessons this month.  She is in the same class with her cousins (Lilah and Liliana) and she loves it.  She makes the cutest smile with her mouth in this very thin line, that is still somehow a smile.  They go to Houston Swim Club in Sugar Land and I have been very pleased with the infant class.  (I've had a few complaints about Autumn's class, but nothing major)  Olivia was also dedicated at the church last weekend (on Mother's Day).  It was a nice ceremony and we enjoyed a family brunch afterwards at our house.  Olivia also went to San Antonio for the first time and Sea World!  She did great.  She seems to travel pretty well.  She slept the entire car ride to SA and the car ride home too!
  • Things I want to remember - Olivia likes to "talk" while I'm nursing her before bed.  It's kind of like humming while she's nursing.  I don't recall Autumn doing that.  It's very cute and I want to remember those sweet moments years from now.  One other thing I want to remember about Olivia at this stage is that she cries when Autumn does.  If she sees Autumn upset and crying (throwing a tantrum really) then she gets all pouty and starts to cry too.  This little baby already has empathy, so sweet!  Olivia also loves to be tickled and she has the cutest giggles.  She also LOVES her "bubba".  If she sees Cooper she just smiles and reaches for him.  He seems to like her a lot too.  He will lay down on her rug by the door to her room as if he is guarding us.

Olivia, you are the sweetest, happiest baby to ever come along (at least since you're sister, who was also a very sweet and happy baby).  People always comment on how big and beautiful your blue eyes are and how happy you seem to be.  I always tell them that you are in fact a happy baby.  We love you very much and are loving watching you grow.

Autumn is officially  2.5 years old going on 5.  Sometimes when I ask her how old she is she says "five" very matter of factly.  We had Autumn's 2.5 year check up at the same time as Olivia's 6 month check up.  Here is an update on Autumn's stats:

  • Height - 36.75 inches (75th percentile)
  • Weight - 27 lbs 7 oz. (25th percentile)
  • Head - not a clue
  • Clothes - fits easily in 2T and 3T, although I randomly put her in a 9 month pair of shorts last night.  I guess they were Olivia's and they somehow got put up in Autumn's room.  I grabbed them for her to wear after swim lessons and then when I went to put them on her I thought "these look small".  I looked at the size and sure enough they were a 9 months.  They still fit though.  I guess this is proof that I don't really need to buy her new clothes all the time, but I do it because they're just too cute.
  • Sleeping - Autumn has pretty much always slept through the night.  Lately she has been so hard to get to go to sleep.  It usually takes about an hour to get her down between bath, books, brushing teeth, multiple potty trips, songs, crying, threatening to take away baby dolls, etc.  I'm always exhausted after I get her down, but somehow she's not.  She usually talk to herself and her baby dolls for 30 minutes to an hour after I get her in bed.  Most days she is still happy in the mornings, but occasionally her late nights catch up with her and she is just plain grumpy.  The other morning she did not want to wake up.  Andrew gave her a bath and she fell asleep IN THE BATH.  Good thing we don't let her bathe by herself yet.  That could have been very bad!
  • Eating - Autumn eats pretty well, but she snacks a lot and sometimes will eat less at dinner because she had too much at snack time.  Her favorite foods include chicken nuggets (preferably from Chick-fil-a), french fries (also from Chick-fil-a), fruit snacks, "yellow medicine" (yogurt melts, not sure why she calls them that), goldfish, macaroni and cheese, rice, fruit of any kind and "fruit lips" (fruit loops).
  • Development - Autumn's vocabulary continues to blossom and she is very vocal.  I try to repeat back to her what she says (often with corrected grammar).  She says some of the funniest things.  She is also really listening to everything we say and repeating a lot of what we say.  This has caused us to have to watch what we say much more closely.  Neither of us cuss very much (unless you're talking to Andrew at work and then that is a whole other story), but we do occasionally let out a properly placed expletive.  Autumn has copied this language at least once, so we're trying to really watch our words around her.  Autumn's gross motor skills seem to be well developed.  We probably need to work with her on riding her bike this summer, but she does love to run and jump and climb.  She's come home this week from school with multiple "boo-boo's" from playing too rough on the playground.
  • Happenings - Autumn started swim lessons this month too.  She started a 2 week every day class and then when that is over (tonight) she will go into a maintenance class once a week.  She seems to be doing very well and enjoying the class.  Autumn loves playing with her friends (Gracie from school, and Lilly and Ryan).
  • Things I want to remember - Autumn likes to pretend our front entryway (which is elevated one step above the living room) is her stage.  She will  dress up like princesses and sing songs to anyone who is paying attention.  Autumn also has some definite ideas about her birthday (which is 5 months away).  She wants a Minnie Mouse party with Minnie cookies and Minnie cake pops and Minnie cups.  Autumn loves to say "Best Day EVER!" from the Rapunzel movie "Tangled".  Autumn also loves to play doctor with her baby dolls (or with me and Baby O).  She checks them all out with her doctor kit and then diagnoses them as sick or ok.  She says she is "Dr. Autumn", not Dr. Walker by the way.
Asleep in the bath tub.

Autumn, we love you so much and the person that you are becoming.  I can't help but smile when I am around you.  You are the prettiest little girl and you have the best personality, so much energy and sweetness.

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