I cannot believe how quickly time is flying. Olivia is already 5 1/2 months, so naturally I am just now doing her 5 month update. At least I took pictures on time this month.
- I will update her length, weight and head measurements after her 6 month check up.
- Diapers - still a size 2, although I have switched our next order (May shipment) to a size 3.
- Clothes - 3-6 months with some 6-9 and 6-12 months mixed in
- Developments - Olivia still does not like tummy time most of the time. She will easily roll from her back to her front, but still won't roll from front to back. We're working on it. She does like to be on her back and she generally likes her activity center, unless I leave her in there for too long while I'm cleaning house or making dinner.
- School - Olivia is still at school 3 days a week and at home with Mimi 2 days a week. Her teachers say she is a happy baby, but when she is hungry she sure lets you know it.
- Food - This girl loves to eat! We started her on solid food (stage 1 fruits and veggies and rice cereal) the weekend that she turned 5 months (Easter weekend). I expected to slowly transition from one meal a day to two and then to three meals a day over the course of this month. Olivia had other plans. She loves every single food we give her and she wants more of it. She is currently eating 1/2 tub of a fruit or veggie twice during the day along with rice cereal. In the evening I feed her another 1/2 tub of a fruit or veggie. Sometimes she takes that feeding very well other times she's not quite as interested. She is taking less milk at bedtime, but she still drinks a lot during the day. I am having a tough time keeping up with her. I currently only have about 10 oz. in the freezer and only enough in the fridge for 1/2 a days worth of bottles. I've cut back on my alcohol consumption, so I don't have to dump as much milk and I've tried to pump 4 times at work when I can. I'm hoping her milk needs will decrease a little as she starts to take in more solids. I really want to avoid formula since we've made it this far without using any. I might be doing some nighttime pumping sessions to stash away some milk in the freezer. (Ugh!)
- Sleep - Olivia sleeps great. She still sleeps 10-12 hours every night. Lately she wakes up sometime during the night to play. I usually hear her cooing and talking and I go in and give her a pacifier and turn her mobile on. I usually don't hear another peep from her until the morning. She's also been going to bed earlier lately (around 7pm) and then waking up an hour or two later for a quick nursing session and a little socialization before she's back down for the night. She doesn't really seem hungry during these times, so I may try the same technique I do when she wakes up in the middle of the night talking.
- Bath - Olivia discovered splashing. She loves to kick her legs, both of them at the same time, and splash. She loves our reaction when she does this. I try to bathe Autumn and Olivia together when I can. It saves time and gives them some bonding as well. I keep Olivia in her little baby tub and put that in the big tub with Autumn in it. It usually works out well.
Baby O, you are such a joy in our lives. Daddy and I constantly agree that we are so blessed that you are a happy and healthy (and of course beautiful) baby girl. You are such an "easy" baby, which is a blessing to us. You have such an easy going and sweet temperament. I am excited to see your personality develop as you continue to grow.
Baby O is getting bigger! |
Playing with her mermaid |
Trying to sit up without falling over |
"Are we done yet Mommy?" |
Of course Autumn had to have some pictures of her and her baby "Derella". |
I had a hard time getting a good pic of the two of them this month. |
In other news this weekend we're heading to
La Torretta Lake Resort & Spa on Lake Conroe for the Corvair HOT event. My Dad is very active in the
Houston Corvair Club. What is a
Corvair you ask? Oh, it's just a make of cars that was built by Chevrolet in the 1960's that Ralph Nader deemed "Unsafe at any speed." Believe it or not that was a question on "Who wants to be a millionaire?" once. I would have won! My Grandpa that passed away when I was 15 left my dad his 1963 Corvair Monza and it started a hobby for my Dad that he has greatly enjoyed. I enjoyed driving the cute little car quite a bit when I was in high school. I even helped install the seat belts in the back seat. My Dad now has two Corvairs (one for each my brother and I as our inheritance).
Mimi and her girls in Grandpa's Corvair.
Apparently, Autumn kept saying "let's go!" |
Anyways, there are a lot of fun things for the girls to do at the resort, mainly swimming/water play and putt putt. I'm really looking forward to it. I'll post updates from our fun weekend sometime next week.
Awww... your girls are so beautiful! Love their bright blue eyes!