Monday, September 17, 2012

Busy Weekend

We had a very fun and very busy weekend this past weekend.

It started with dinner at Olive Garden on Friday night with Grandma Joy, Nana and Pops to celebrate a belated Grandparents Day.  Grandma Joy brought Autumn a surprise - a water coloring book.  Autumn didn't 100% understand it, but it sure kept her occupied while we waited for the food and after we finished eating.  Autumn also tried her first pumpkin cheesecake (one of my all time favorite desserts) and I am happy to say she loved it.

I am so amazed by how big Autumn looks in these pictures.

With Nana and Pops.

With Grandma Joy.

Showing off our matching rain boots. 
Autumn made me wear mine since she was wearing hers.

On Saturday morning Autumn, my Mom and I headed to the zoo.  The weather is so much nicer than it has been the past few months, but it was still a little warm.  Autumn got to see giraffes, monkeys, lions and a tiger.  She rode the carousel, but sat on the bench with Mommy and Grandma because she wouldn't go on any of the carousel animals.  I don't know if she was afraid of them or if there were too many options.  She rode a carousel at Katy Mills last weekend, so I'm not sure what she didn't like about this one.  After the carousel ride we had lunch with Kasey, my brother's girlfriend, who happens to work at the zoo.  While Kasey, Autumn and I were waiting on my Mom to pick us up at the zoo entrance Autumn was fussing over not being able to go to the wet zone area.  I didn't even know there was one at the zoo, so I didn't bring her swim suit.  Autumn kept repeating "suit,suit".  Finally she grabbed my face gently by both cheeks and said slowly "suit."  So cute!  She just didn't understand when I told her that we didn't bring our swim suits; she just thought I didn't understand her.  Her way of emphasizing something when she wants it is so adorable.  She did this to Dada the other day with "cheese" and he finally gave in and gave her some.  After lunch with Kasey we headed home for a good long nap.  While Autumn napped I baked 2 Quiche Lorraines and 3 Apple Pies to take over to some families that just had babies.

Riding the carousel at the zoo with Grandma.

Attempting a smile.
Saturday evening Andrew, Autumn and I headed up to the Sugar Land Town Square for dinner and a movie.  Once or twice a month they show movies outside in front of City Hall.  They are usually kid friendly movies and the one this weekend was The Lorax.  We had just read Autumn the Lorax the night before.  She did really well during the movie.  She sat in Dada's lap most of the movie, but got a little restless at a couple points.  She had her own princess chair and I brought us a picnic blanket too.  The movie was supposed to start at 8:30, but it didn't start until around 9pm, so we didn't get home until after 10:30 or so.  Autumn was exhausted, but she seemed to have had a good time.

On Sunday we attended church (late as usual) and then First Family brunch at the Hinson's.  It was a yummy meal and a nice time with friends.  After a long afternoon nap for Autumn and some house cleaning for Mommy we headed to our friend Sarah's birthday party.  Autumn loves going to Miss Sarah and Mr. Rob's house because she gets to play with Lilly and Ryan.  She had a blast playing with the other kids and on the outdoor play set.  We were going to take Autumn over to my parents house while we went out to a fancy dinner with Andrew's Mom and Grandparents, but we decided to leave Autumn at the birthday party with Papa and the other kids. 

Andrew and I headed to Churrasco's for a 59th Wedding Anniversary dinner for Andrew's grandparents.  We enjoyed a nice and relaxing meal with amazing desserts.

59 Years!

Grandma took one sip of the champagne and made the most awful face. 
I wish I would have gotten a picture of it.
I assured her I would drink it for her if she didn't want to.

Papa dropped off Autumn shortly after we arrived home from dinner.  She had already had a bath with the other kiddos and borrowed some of Lilly's PJ's.  Despite physically being ready for bed she was completely wound up from all of the fun.  She was also mad that my Nook's battery was not charged so we couldn't read a night time book on it.  After a little fussing she finally went down around 9:30PM. 

Two late nights in a row and a very busy weekend for our little princess, but she was still happy as usual this morning when Dada woke her up.  This morning she also surprised me by deciding she needed to use the potty and then actually using it right away (no sitting and reading or waiting).  She did the potty dance and got a new sticker on her potty chart.  She is getting closer to being potty trained.  I think my end of the year goal/end of maternity leave goal might just be attainable.

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