- Weight - around 24.5 lbs
- Height - no idea, but she seems to be getting taller. Her "skinny jeans" are getting way too short.
- Shoe Size - Officially in a size 6.
- Clothes Size - She is starting to wear a lot of 2T's, but more so in pants. 2T skirts and shirts still look big on her and I tend to buy more 18-24 month clothes, while everyone else tends to buy her more 2T clothes. Grandma has bought her and Olivia a couple of matching outfits for the fall and winter. I can't wait to see them together.
- Words - Autumn is starting to talk more, but she still uses sign language and physical cues (i.e. grabbing your hand and leading you) to get what she wants a lot of the time. She is repeating more words lately too. This week she started yelling "Mommy" when I come home from work. I absolutely love seeing the excitement on her face when she sees me. I also realized this month that what I thought she was saying "shoes" was actually "juice." She actually says both words, but they sound the same, so I have to ask her what she really wants.
- Activities - She loves to swim, ride her rocking horse, watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (or Minnie as she calls it), sweep or clean up the house, play beauty shop (complete with pretend spraying detangler in my hair), and hug Bubba (Cooper).
- Autumn still loves Minnie and all things Disney. She also likes Sesame Street and Elmo and Abby.
- Eating - Autumn has been eating really well lately. Her school reports frequently say she ate "most" or "all" or her food rather than just "some". She particularly loves ice cream.
- We are starting to work on potty training. I am taking it slow for a couple of reasons. 1. She still can't pull her own pants up or down, although she is working on it, 2. she still doesn't always tell us when she needs to go or when she does have a wet/dirty diaper (sometimes she straight up lies when we ask her about this), 3. I am not home with her to work on it, and 4. I'm not sure I'm ready for her to give up diapers. Having to stop and go potty all of the time seems like as much work as changing diapers, if not more. My general plan is to have her potty trained by the time I go back to work from maternity leave. This would be sometime in December. For now I let her wear panties some in the evenings before bed (if we're home and not out and about) and some on the weekends. I'll frequently ask her if she needs to use the potty and she is pretty good about saying yes when she does. Only 2 accidents so far. Many successes too! She is always so proud of herself when she does go to the potty. She gets a sticker and does the potty dance afterwards :-)
- Autumn loves to say "No!". She rarely says yes, and when she does it is always with a nod of the head rather than the actual word. Tio loves asking her "do you want some beer?" She always says yes (with a nod), even though she will say "no" to almost any other question. (Just to clarify she never actually receives any beer.)
Here are some pics from the last month:
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Mommy and Autumn with matching shoes. |
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Frozen yogurt courtesy of Tio. |
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On her way to watch Daddy compete in his first triathlon. |
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Eating a family dinner at Benihana's for cousin Cathy's nursing school graduation. |
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Mommy and Autumn at dinner. |
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Mommy and Autumn after playing beauty shop (notice Mommy's frazzled hair). |
Thanks for the comment about the couch to 5K program...I hope I can stick with it!! The matching mommy/daughter shoes are just precious!