In 2010, after 7 years of marriage, Andrew and I finally became a family of 3 (4 if you count Cooper). On October 12, 2010 Autumn Elizabeth Walker was born.
First picture of the family of 3. |
The perfect blend of Mommy and Daddy. |
All smiles - or is that gas? |
First family picture of 4 - Halloween. |
For Thanksgiving 2010 we had all of my family and Andrew's family over to our home. Andrew fried a turkey and we had lots of casseroles as sides. Autumn got passed around to just about anyone who would take her. Cooper didn't make out too bad either.
Fried turkey - for the life of me I could not get this to rotate correctly.
If anyone knows how to fix this let me know. |
Spending quality time with Grandma Joy. |
Lincoln begging Pops for some turkey. |
Cooper waiting patiently for turkey. |
Andrew and I had a great first Christmas with Autumn. We spent time with both the Clarke and Walker sides of the family and Autumn got plenty of attention and presents.
Christmas at the Clarke's |
Christmas with the Walker's |
Mommy and Daddy's little princess. |
2011 was a great year for us, full of all kinds of firsts. First time Autumn crawled, walked, ate solid foods, first tooth, first trip to the beach, etc. It was also a first time for me to experience being a working mom, which I will say has actually helped me to be a better mom and a better wife, despite my hesitations. In August through October 2011 Andrew spent 6 weeks in India for a work rotation. This was the first time I experienced how hard it would be to be a single parent. Autumn and I missed him a lot, but we got to spend lots of quality time with him when he got back.
New Life Celebration at Church/Church Directory Photo. |
Big Brother and Baby Sister. |
Father's Day 2011.
Hanging out with the coolest parents ever. |
Family picture - summer 2011. |
First time at the beach with Daddy. |
Mother's Day present 2011. |
Saying goodbye to Daddy at the airport before he left for India. |
Mommy and Daddy at Autumn's 1st birthday party. |
Daddy and the birthday girl.
I'm not sure she knew what to think of his new beard. |
Mommy trying to convince Autumn to only play with red headed dolls. |
Family Christmas Pics 2011. |
Mommy and Daddy 2011. |
In Vegas in December 2011 for the Las Vegas Half Marathon. |
Like I said, 2011 was a great year. Tomorrow I'll wrap up my through the years posts with a few pics from this year.
Love all of your beautiful photos! :)