Tuesday, July 31, 2012

iPhone Dump

Here are some fun pictures of Autumn from the past week or two.  She is so much fun these days.  Such a personality!

Watching the Olympics (or was it Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) with cousin Madeleine.

Playing beauty shop (Autumn's favorite hobby) with cousin Ashley.
Being silly at dinner.
Dinner with Papa.

Laughing with Papa.

"Mommy, you know how I was supposed to be napping? 
Well, I decided to make a mess just for you instead!"

Asleep on the way to the grocery store, purse in hand and all.

Cowgirl Minnie.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Through the Years - Part 6

Today is our 9th wedding anniversary.  I can't believe time has gone by so fast!  Andrew is my best friend and I feel so blessed to have been married to him for 9 years and to be growing our family together.

Our wedding - July 26, 2003.

Here are a few pics of us from this year: 

2012 has been a great year for us.  In February we found out we are going to be an Aunt and Uncle for the first time.  Andrew's brother Luke and his wife, Aislynn, are expecting twin girls due on October 1st.  About a week later we found out Andrew's cousin Melody and her husband, Randy, are pregnant with twins.  She is expecting a boy and a girl in mid October.  We're not ones to be left out of all of the fun.  We found out in March we were expecting Baby Walker #2, due November 8th.

Andrew didn't believe me with the first test, because the line was  very faint,
so I had to resort to a digital test to prove I was in fact pregnant.
Anatomy Ultrasound - 18 weeks 6 days.
 In April we decided to take Baby Walker Announcement photos.  This was an excuse to get some good family photos and some fun spring photos of Autumn.  Andrew and I aren't really maternity photo kind of people, so we thought this would be a fun alternative to celebrate our new baby.  By the way I love our photograher - Nicole Boniface - and highly recommend her work.

Gender reveal party - Baby Girl - Olivia Claire Walker
  I hope you enjoyed a little stroll down memory lane with us.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Through the Years - Part 5

In 2010, after 7 years of marriage, Andrew and I finally became a family of 3 (4 if you count Cooper).  On October 12, 2010 Autumn Elizabeth Walker was born.

First picture of the family of 3.

The perfect blend of Mommy and Daddy.

All smiles - or is that gas?

First family picture of 4 - Halloween.
For Thanksgiving 2010 we had all of my family and Andrew's family over to our home.  Andrew fried a turkey and we had lots of casseroles as sides.  Autumn got passed around to just about anyone who would take her.  Cooper didn't make out too bad either.

Fried turkey - for the life of me I could not get this to rotate correctly. 
If anyone knows how to fix this let me know.

Spending quality time with Grandma Joy.

Lincoln begging Pops for some turkey.

Cooper waiting patiently for turkey.
Andrew and I had a great first Christmas with Autumn.  We spent time with both the Clarke and Walker sides of the family and Autumn got plenty of attention and presents.

Christmas at the Clarke's

Christmas with the Walker's

Mommy and Daddy's little princess.

2011 was a great year for us, full of all kinds of firsts.  First time Autumn crawled, walked, ate solid foods, first tooth, first trip to the beach, etc.  It was also a first time for me to experience being a working mom, which I will say has actually helped me to be a better mom and a better wife, despite my hesitations.  In August through October 2011 Andrew spent 6 weeks in India for a work rotation.  This was the first time I experienced how hard it would be to be a single parent.  Autumn and I missed him a lot, but we got to spend lots of quality time with him when he got back.
New Life Celebration at Church/Church Directory Photo.

Big Brother and Baby Sister.

Father's Day 2011.

Hanging out with the coolest parents ever.

Family picture - summer 2011.

First time at the beach with Daddy.

Mother's Day present 2011.

Saying goodbye to Daddy at the airport before he left for India.

Mommy and Daddy at Autumn's 1st birthday party.

Daddy and the birthday girl. 
I'm not sure she knew what to think of his new beard.

Mommy trying to convince Autumn to only play with red headed dolls.

Family Christmas Pics 2011.

Mommy and Daddy 2011.

In Vegas in December 2011 for the Las Vegas Half Marathon.
Like I said, 2011 was a great year.  Tomorrow I'll wrap up my through the years posts with a few pics from this year.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Through the Years - Part 4

Now back to my "through the years" posts. 

2009 was a fun year.  In January I ran my very first marathon with my Mom.  

Running down Allen Parkway - in the home stretch!
My Mom and I with our finishers medals.
Andrew surprised me with a Gucci purse as a reward for finishing the marathon.

 In May 2009 Andrew's little sister, Allison married her high school sweetheart at the family's bay house in POC.  the wedding was beautiful and we had a great time celebrating with family and friends.

 During the summer of 2009 Andrew and I went on our very first cruise.  Even better than a cruise, it was a Mediterranean cruise.  I absolutely loved seeing Europe this way.  We got to see Rome, Athens, Ephesus, Pompeii, Isle of Capri, Santorini, Rhodes, and Mykonos.  We went on the cruise for Andrew's Uncle's wedding.  Prior to the cruise Aislynn and I went to Dublin for a few days and then flew to Rome.  Andrew met up with us in Rome.

Andrew and I in Roma!  Check out that stache!

Doing a wine tasting on the cruise.

In Athens at the Olympic stadium.

In Athens at the Acropolis.

Isle of Capri - one of my favorite stops.

Touring the Pompeii ruins.

At the Colosseum.

In August of 2009 Aislynn and Luke got married in a civil ceremony and Aislynn joined Luke in Chicago for his intern year.  In the fall of 2009 Andrew and I were able to visit them in Chicago.  What a beautiful city in the fall.  I loved running along the lakefront and spending time exploring the city.  We also had fun shopping at a Farmer's Market and cooking for the guys.

At Hot Doug's - best hot dogs ever!
Waiting in line at Hot Doug's.

Riding the L train.

In November of 2009 Andrew and I went to New York City for the ING NYC Marathon.  I only have one picture and unfortunately my eyes are closed.  Oh well.  This was by far my favorite marathon.  The crowd support is amazing and it is such a fun way to see so many parts of the city that you might not visit otherwise.  I highly recommend signing up for the race lottery if you ever get the chance.

We spent Christmas 2009 down in POC relaxing at the beach with Andrew's family. 

At Sunday Beach with Cooper.

2010 was also an exciting year.  In late February 2010 we found out we were expecting our first baby.  Both my Dad and Andrew's Mom have March birthdays, so we used their birthdays as our baby announcement.  Both grandparents got birthday presents cluing them in on the upcoming baby.  It was a fun way to share the exciting news.  I'm surprised no one knew we were pregnant before then since I had been skipping margaritas and wine, which is very unlike me. 

Baby Walker Announcement/Grandpa Clarke's birthday.

Rodeo - where I had to pretend to drink a margarita to fool my parents.
 In April on 2010 we all headed to Acapulco for Luke and Aislynn's wedding.  This was one of the most fun weddings I have ever been to.  That is saying a lot since I was 11 weeks pregnant with Autumn and couldn't drink a drop of alcohol.

Bride and Groom celebrating before the wedding.

Brothers . . .

Stache Brothers.

Don't worry - it's a virgin margarita and Andrew's cigar.

In May 2010 Andrew and I headed to Little Rock for the Allison (his Mom's side) family reunion.  We had a great time getting to know some of Andrew's more distant relatives.

In June we headed to the Beman's Lake House on Lake Travis for a weekend and enjoyed some good times with friends.

In June we found out that Baby Walker was going to be Autumn Walker.  Andrew and I had picked out the name Autumn for our firstborn daughter a long time ago (I think in high school or maybe college).  As soon as we found out we were having a girl we knew what her name would be.

Father's Day 2010 - a new golf bag and baby girl golf booties.

Me on Father's Day weekend 2010.

In late June/early July Andrew and I headed to Scotland for a "babymoon" of sorts with our good friends Mike and Emily Beman.  We started in Edinburgh and then headed to Inverness (Loch Ness), Dornoch (northeast of Scotland), and then onto Craigellachie (in the Speyside region).  We spent a night or two in a medieval castle and toured a couple of scotch distilleries.  My favorite part was getting a spa day and having high tea at the Old Course Hotel in St. Andrews.  Andrew and Mike golfed the Castle course there while Emily and I had a very relaxing day.  After Scotland we made a quick stop in Amsterdam, touring the Heineken factory, and then onto Paris to watch the final game of the World Cup before heading home.

Edinburgh at night.

View from the Edinburgh Castle.

The Scotch Whiskey Experience in Edinburgh.

Touring Loch Ness.

Touring the Castle on Loch Ness.

On the beach in Dornoch.

Touring the MacAllan Distillery.

Watching the World Cup in Paris.

This pretty much wraps up all of the pictures of Andrew and I that I have pre-Autumn.  Tomorrow I will share some of our highlights from the last 21 months (most of which revolve around a certain little girl).