- Weight - approx. 22 lbs.
- Height - approx. 32 inches
- Clothes - Size 12-18 months, only buying new clothes in 18-24 months though
- Shoe Size - 4.5, but almost into size 5
- Words - Mama, Dada, Elmo, Bubba (aka Cooper), bubbles, bathtub, bath, says "neigh" for horse, dog, book, etc. She doesn't talk much on her own (except for babbling), but she seems to be repeating some of what we say (not all the time though).
- Autumn has started saying "mine" and she likes it!
- Autumn loves to kiss and hug her baby doll and her stuffed animals.
- Autumn loves Sesame Street and Elmo and Abby Cadabby.
- If I ask Autumn where the baby is she will point to my belly and then to herself. We are working on discussing the idea of a baby brother or sister. She also likes playing with the baby gear, like the infant car seat and the bumbo.
- Autumn is sleeping in her toddler bed. She does great at night, staying in the bed all night. She doesn't do so great at nap times. Usually I can get her down at night by laying down with her for a few minutes and singing to her and cuddling with her.
- Autumn is using a lot of hand gestures lately to express what she wants. She will grab your hand and pull or push you where she wants you to go. I love it when she does this, because she actually wants to hold my hand vs. me fighting with her to hold her hand when we're walking somewhere in public.
- Autumn has started throwing the occasional tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants or she can't express what she wants.
- Autumn understands sooo much of what is going on around her. She can point out all kinds of animals and people in books. She knows all of her relatives. She knows where things belong (like Mommy and Daddy's shoes in the closet, blankets in her bottom drawer, etc.). She knows how to open the pantry and she always pull out her food rather than random canned goods. She is so smart!
- Autumn can slide down the slides at the park all by herself (without Mommy worrying too much).
- Autumn is fascinated by the iPhone camera when I have it turned around and she can see herself.
- Autumn loves giving hugs, kisses, saying bye-bye and blowing kisses.
- Autumn seems to have some kind of allergy or sensitivity to bug bites. Her bug bites (I assume mosquito) usually swell up and last longer than they ever do on me. No other weird side effects though.
- Autumn still seems to have the "port wine stain" birthmark or whatever it is. The doctor is not at all concerned about it, but it does seem weird that her left leg will turn red and/or purple when she gets too hot or cold. The birthmark is not very noticeable at other times.
- Autumn loves to eat pretty much everything. She has a great appetite and is not at all picky. She also loves to feed herself.
- Autumn is very good about telling us "no" by shaking her head when she doesn't want something. For example - Autumn are you ready for bed - head shake "no". If she is ready for bed I get no response.
- Autumn still takes a pacifier at nap and bed time. She will sometimes fuss when you take it away, but she is usually easily distracted.
Okay, enough bragging on my princess, here are some pics and videos.
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Autumn pretending to be a baby in the infant car seat. She would alternate between getting in this and having me strap her baby doll in it. |
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Autumn's bug bite. She did not want her shoes on her swollen foot. |
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Autumn's "port wine stain" birthmark. It was a hot day here, so it was more noticeable than normal. |
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