Monday, January 16, 2012

15 Months

Autumn, here is what you are up to at 15 months:
  • You weighed in at 19 lbs 8 oz. at your 15 month check up (8th percentile).
  • You are 29.5 inches tall (20th percentile).
  • You wear size 12 months still and size 18 months, depending on whether it runs big or small.  Typically you wear a smaller size in dresses and a larger size in pants, since your legs are so long.
  • You wear a size 3 diaper.
  • You have 5 teeth with a couple more on their way.
  • You currently are getting over ear infections in both ears (OUCH!)
  • Your bedtime is roughly 8:30PM, but Mommy and Daddy are sometimes flexible on this if we go out to eat or have family over in the evening.  You usually wake up between 7 and 8AM.
  • You are walking (and nearly running) all over the place.
  • You are very curious about everything.
  • You eat everything - the other night you ate a whole cheese enchilada and beans and rice.
  • You are starting to become very attached to your Grandma Clarke.
  • You like playing with the curtains, hiding behind them and running through them.
  • You love books and are starting to sit still for them better.
  • You are starting to sign "again" a lot.  I think you picked this up at school, because we did not teach it to you.  You use it to express that you want more of something, but you also use it to just say that you want something.
  • You are busy.  You are constantly playing with one toy or another.
  • You like to "organize" things.  You move toys or other objects from one container to another.  The other night you took all of your toy magnets off the fridge and put them in the empty laundry basket.
  • You still take 2 naps a day most days, but are starting to take 1 nap a day a couple of times a week.
  • You are starting to become more interested in Cooper, petting him and of course sharing your food with him.
  • You nod your head "yes" and "no", but you do "no" a lot more because people always laugh at you when you do.
  • You are starting to understand so much more of the world around you.  Last night you were riding your toy princess car and I asked you where your purse was, because you usually wear that when you ride your car.  You opened the seat in the car and showed me that you purse was inside.  Grandma and I say that you have to grab your purse when you ride your car, so you can go shopping.
  • You know where your nose is, but if you are distracted you won't show me or you'll point to my nose instead of your own.
  • You have started hugging my legs some and giving me more hugs in general.  I love these.
You are such an easy going and happy baby.  Mommy and Daddy love you very much and we are enjoying watching you grow and develop every day.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! She'll love reading all this when she's older. :-)
