Thursday, December 29, 2011

Beginning a Blog . . .

Ok, so I am finally jumping on the bandwagon and starting a blog.  Basically, this is just to keep friends and family informed about what is going on in our (and when I say our I really mean Autumn's) lives.

So, what is going on?  Well, today, 4 days after Christmas, I am back at work, Autumn is spending her day with Grandma Clarke (like every other Tuesday and Thursday) and Andrew is at home installing a new ceiling in our master bathroom.  Andrew is also overseeing the painters, who are painting our front door RED.

Autumn is also sick this week.  She is recovering from a double ear infection that she got during the Christmas holidays.  She is a little tired and not on her normal sleeping schedule this week.  Hopefully she will be back to normal by next week.

My plan is to keep this blog updated at least once a week.  (We'll see how long that lasts)


  1. Fun! Glad you jumped on the bandwagon... I did too back in May. Ha! :) Excited to follow your posts.

  2. Take pictures of your red front door and post them. Finally getting the outside of the house painted!
