2014 Personal Goals:
1. Wake up between 5 and 6am on the weekdays.
2. Run 3 x week.
3. Do some type of "toning" exercise every day (i.e. push ups, crunches, squats, planks, etc.).
4. Do a daily devotional 5 x week.
5. Put my phone away at night when I get home and when I am with the girls.
6. Blog about the girls at least 2 month.
7. Weigh in at WW at least 1 x month and maintain current weight.
8. Plan a girls night at least 1 x quarterly.
9. Read through the Bible.
2014 Family Goals:
1. Declutter every room in the house one by one (so far the laundry room is DONE).
2. Get ready for school the night before (pack lunches, etc.).
3. Have the dishes done and the house orderly before bed each night.
4. Run or walk Milo 2-3 x week.
5. Rely on my Mom less for help with the girls (1-2 x week).
2014 House Goals:
1. Replace sliding glass doors.
2. Replace fence.
3. Replace water heater (DONE!)
4. Move wine coolers to the kitchen.
5. Set up Guest Room as a Study.
6. Replace light in the Master Bath (this is harder than it sounds, involves eletrical work).
2014 Autumn & Olivia Goals:
1. Work with Autumn on beginning to learn to read (ABC's, etc.). She is very interested in this and I want to take advantage of her interest to help her learn.
2. Read to Olivia more often (most nights before bed).
3. Do a "fun" outing at least one weekend a month (i.e. zoo, children's museum, etc.)
2014 Financial Goals:
1. Cut down on unnecessary spending (basically avoid Target).
2. Increase net worth by 20-30%.
3. Pay off all debts except for car and house.