I am way behind in blogging. Pretty much just blogging once a month these days. I was having issues getting Blogger to work on my work computer (since I usually update the blog on my lunch breaks), but I think I've got it figured out.
Anyhoo today I need to blog about the Scarf Swap and do a quick update on the girls.
Scarf Swap
This year I was paired with Rose from Kansas. She is a military wife and is originally from Texas. She shared her likes/dislikes in scarves and I went in search of a pretty striped scarf for her. Instead I happened upon this gem from Old Navy.

I picked it off the rack because I liked the colors and when I tried it on I thought it was cute. But then after I tried it on I unfolded it and realized that it is an American flag.
I thought this scarf was too good not to pick out for Rose. She loved it and even wrote me a sweet thank you note expressing her gratitude for choosing a scarf that fits with their lifestyle.
Rose has a mom-in-law and sister-in-law who are both redheads, so she knew when I said to avoid bright pink that I was very serious. Rose wanted to find me an Autumn inspired scarf, since I expressed that I love all things fall. She came across a beautiful torquoise infinity scarf and just had to get it for me. I absolutely love it. The color is great for me and it adds a nice "pop" of color to an otherwise boring outfit. I'm looking forward to wearing it more as the weather finally starts to cool off.
The girls are busy busy busy. Olivia is almost walking. I've seen her take like 2 steps twice, but she hasn't taken off yet. I think it will be easier once she is walking because then she and Autumn can play with each other easier and really start to become friends and playmates. Olivia is also teething now and I expect more teeth any day.
Autumn just turned 3 years old. I can't believe my baby is so big. I'll blog about her birthday in another post (if I actually get around to it). She is a constant challenge. I'm convinced that all preschoolers are bi-polar. She is happy and singing and dancing one minute and then screaming and kicking her legs on the floor the next minute. I keep having to remind myself that the actions we take with her now might not show immediate changes in her behavior, but we are building the groundwork for who she will become.
Lately she's been regressing some. She wants to be held like a baby and she refuses to get herself dressed and do other things that she knows how to do. She'll say "I can't do it, I need help." She's also still having a lot of poopy accidents (very few pee accidents though). I worry that I'm not giving her enough attention, but then I also worry that giving her attention when she is regressing is sending her the wrong message, that it is okay to act like a baby. We've started not putting her in time out for set times (like 2 or 3 minutes), but rather telling her to go to time out to calm down and when she is calm and ready to listen then she can come out. We also remind her to take deep breaths after she has crying spells to help her calm down. Autumn HATES to go to bed or take naps and getting her to do so is quite a struggle. She does much better when Andrew puts her down, but she also specifically asks for me to put her down. Autumn is a lot of fun and she has so much spirit and personality. She is just a lot of work sometimes and she quite honestly wears me out! Gotta love her though!!
This photo of Autumn was taken around 10pm one night. She had gone to bed and played for an hour and a half then came out looking like this and claiming to need to go potty.
In other news, we are planning to pick up Milo, our new puppy in a few weeks. He is one of the cuties in these pics.